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Rio Task Chair

The Rio is a dynamically designed office chair that does not compromise aesthetics and promotes correct sitting posture. Flexible back support and tilting movement automatically adjusts angle to suport/protect your lumbar-reduces fatigue. Multi-axis system armrest with infinite adjustments, integrated seat-depth adjustment, forward pitch angle improves posture/reduces leg pressure. Carbon fiber, multi-function synchro tilt mechanism. Passive ergonomics allow ease of movement. 3 year warranty.

Weight Rating: 275 lbs.

44.02″-50.57″H × 24.8″W × 25.9″D
Seat: 17″-22″H × 20.25″W × 19″-21″D
Back: 30″-31.5″H × 20.5″W

TCC | 60636

Price updated 6/28/22

J-5300 $759.00

Black fabric only.

Quick Ship Available in limited quantities.